Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Rejected by the One You Love

Today, this video popped up in my Facebook memories. Back in the summer of 2017, I had gone through the pain and heartache of an unwanted divorce. I was dealing with a lot of hurt and pain stemming from the rejection of one who I loved deeply.

The divorce was finalized in November of 2017. A few months later, as I was scrolling through Facebook, I came across this video. To this day, I don't even know why it showed up in my feed. It wasn't from anyone I was connected with or following. But it carried with it the message that I needed.

Take a couple minutes to watch the video, and then stick around for some closing thoughts.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Book Review: The Life Saving Divorce

The Life-Saving Divorce: Hope for People Leaving Destructive RelationshipsThe Life-Saving Divorce: Hope for People Leaving Destructive Relationships by Gretchen Baskerville

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It's easy to have an opinion on divorce. It's easy to tell people what you think Scripture says about divorce. It's easy to silently judge or question people who divorce.

Until you go through it yourself.

In Chapter 3, Gretchen blows away 27 of the oft-believed myths surrounding divorce. Even though my divorce is a few years in the rear-view mirror, this chapter was extremely helpful, because the doubts love to creep in.

"Did I try hard enough? Did I do everything I could have? Does it really 'take two to tango'? Am I really responsible for my spouse's unfaithfulness?"

Chapter 3 could be an entire book by itself (warning, it is long!) but it will help to dispel many of the myths you may have believed or had people tell you about yourself.

Chapter 6 takes a very in-depth look at just what does Scripture really teach about divorce. It was very informative. Much of the information I already knew, but I also learned some interesting facts about the Jewish and Roman cultures of the day and how those would have influenced the early churches views.

I do want to say very clearly that the author is not justifying willy-nilly divorce for petty reasons such as "we just don't love each other." Gretchen has put a lot of work into this book and hopefully it will help people...maybe even save a life.

(I received an Advance Reader Copy in return for a fair review. At present time, I have read only three chapters and am basing this review on those chapters. I intend to read the remaining chapter and will update the review upon completion of the book.)

View all my reviews

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Don't Go Fishing!

Ironically, I had intended to make this a follow-up to my last post. But, as I look at the calendar, I realize it is exactly one month since I last posted. This usually happens...life slows down during the Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year's holidays, I start writing again, and then life takes back off and suddenly I find myself neglecting any kind of personal writing.

But over the last few days I've found myself ruminating on the past. I recently had a major "anniversary milestone" with regards to the whole divorce process, and unfortunately I have to admit it took over my thoughts for a while.