Saturday, October 31, 2015

Deer Stand Devotionals: While You Still Have Time

Autumn has to be my favorite season. No, not because of pumpkin spice lattes - rather, it's time to start breaking out the camouflage - hunting season! The cool crispness in the air, the explosion of colors, the smell of change in the air, memories of tree stands and duck blinds long ago - it all adds up to make this my favorite time of year.

Fall is also a reminder of how things change, and the rapid passing of time. A year ago, my mom was still alive, and we were just starting to see that the end was near for her. It's hard to believe how fast time flies.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Don't Trample Your Neighbor!

 In only a few short weeks, we will be at one of the paradoxical holidays of the year. Families from all over will gather together, sit around tables filled with massive steaming mounds of mashed potatoes, golden brown turkeys, and declare to each other just how thankful they are for everything they have. Then, only a few short hours later, they will trample their fellow man in a mad race to get cheap electronics.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Don't Go To Walmart in Your Pajamas

Now for the record, I shop at Walmart. I just want to get that out of the way so folks won’t think I’m poking fun at people. As you may or may not know (if not, consider yourself blessed by God), there are sites on the internet that poke fun at people who shop at Walmart. Now realize that poor taste and bad clothing decisions are not limited to people shopping at a particular store. But I will say, that after I got married, my wife and I lived in a town where Friday night at the local Walmart was an interesting study in…well…culture. Let’s leave it at that.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Get the Dead Possum Out of the Garage

A couple of weeks ago my good friend Tom was teaching our adult small group, and he likened a life filled with hidden sin to a garage filled with junk. In his typical brand of dry witty humor, Tom talked about his own garage, how it was packed with work supplies, tackle boxes, etc. He even said there's a good possibility there's a dead possum in the corner.

What does a dead possum have to do with Part Two of 5 Things To Do Before Getting Out of Bed? Read on and find out.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

5 Things To Do Before Getting Out of Bed

How many times have you prayed this prayer?

Dear God, I"m having a great day. I haven't gotten upset at anyone, the kids haven't made me lose my temper. I've not had any bad thoughts, haven't thought of any ways to hurt my boss without anyone knowing, haven't yelled at my spouse for perceived wrongdoings. It's been a great day so far. But God, I'm about to get out of bed, and at that point, I"m really going to need your help.