Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Announcing - A New Book!

It's been a long time since I posted here. Back in 2016, life got turned upside down and a year and a half later, my life would be forever changed. 18 years of marriage ended in an unwanted divorce, I began the life of a single parent/shared custody (which in itself is a life-changer), and a "new normal" had to be adjusted to.

All along the way, though, I was not alone. Even though there were points when life seemed so dark that I could not see the Shepherd Who promised to never leave me or forsake me, He was still by my side. The last three years have been a time of real spiritual growth and lessons learned.

Many of those lessons were parlayed into Bible study lessons at the detention center. As I began reaching out and ministering to people, making new connections, I repeatedly heard the statement, "You have a real story to tell."

So, I began to finesse the Bible study lessons into a book format. It took about a year of work - editing, proofing, re-writing. Many Saturdays when I did not have my kids were spent at the local coffee shop, partaking of the free refills on coffee and writing, writing, writing.

Fear began to set in the closer I got to the finish line. The doubts began to creep in: "You're a divorced failure; no one wants to hear from you." "You failed at marriage, you'll fail at this."

I began to recall something I had heard a preacher say: "If you want people to criticize every word you say, write a book!"

I've got enough experience online to know that commenters and reviewers can be extremely vicious and cruel. I began to question if I really wanted to put myself out there.

Then, I got hit with a flurry of people who had gone through similar experiences; others who weren't dealing with divorce but rather, cancer, incarcerated children, personal struggles. The more I talked with people, the more it became clear: everyone is going through a valley, and that valley is the hardest thing that they have to deal with.

Several people helped me cross the finish line, and it wouldn't be wise to start naming names or I'll unintentionally leave people out.

It is one thing to read your own manuscript in a Word document, or to print it out and proof it. It's another thing entirely to hold an actual book that you've written.

If you are interested in a copy, info can be found HERE .

My goal in writing the book wasn't to "tell all" or make a name for myself. I don't necessarily want to be known for the trials I've gone through. Rather, I want my life to point to Jesus - the One Who died for me and is working in my life. I want people to see Him in my life.

For Only Jesus,


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