Saturday, October 31, 2015

Deer Stand Devotionals: While You Still Have Time

Autumn has to be my favorite season. No, not because of pumpkin spice lattes - rather, it's time to start breaking out the camouflage - hunting season! The cool crispness in the air, the explosion of colors, the smell of change in the air, memories of tree stands and duck blinds long ago - it all adds up to make this my favorite time of year.

Fall is also a reminder of how things change, and the rapid passing of time. A year ago, my mom was still alive, and we were just starting to see that the end was near for her. It's hard to believe how fast time flies.

This past week in detention center Bible study, I told the kids that God's grace is bigger than anything they are facing right now. Even though the problems facing them seem insurmountable, I reminded them that as long as they have breath, there is still hope - that God's power and might can still work.

Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them;    While the sun, or the light, or the moon, or the stars, be not darkened, nor the clouds return after the rain:Ecclesiastes 12:1-2

So often we say "I'll do it tomorrow". I'll call this person, I'll tell that person I love them, I'll start working on training my children better, I'll start living my life for eternity - I'll do it tomorrow. But tomorrow is never guaranteed. As we see in our verse today, Solomon says to do it now, before the evil comes, before you look back on years wasted and spent, and say "I've got nothing to be proud of."

So as you're driving down the road or hiking through the woods enjoying the view of God's magnificent handiwork, let the falling leaves be a reminder that time stands still for no one. When you step out into the coolness of fall and see your breath quickly disappear, remember that time is short - let's do what we need to do for the Lord today!

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